Welcome to Heritage Innovators Day!

Welcome to Heritage Innovators Day!

On June 11, as part of Heritage Innovators Day organised by the 8March Foundation in Rzeszow, Kacper Nosarzewski will moderate a panel on “Emerging Technologies and Proven Solutions – How Heritage and Creative Industries Can Connect” and a workshop on “New European Bauhaus, Design the Future with Us.”

We invite you to participate, especially in the entire thematic track “Technology” (in person or online). The panels will examine the various applications of technology in the context of heritage – from preservation and modernization to reconstruction and reinterpretation, taking into account the challenges of climate change, limited resources, the fight against social exclusion and accelerating digital transformation. 

In addition to Kacper Nosarzewski of 4CF, other panellists are: Michal Czerwinski of WXCA, Malgorzata Jarosinska-Jedynak, Piotr Nazarko and others. 

Register today (participate in-person or online)!

Heritage Innovators Day will bring together the worlds of business and academia, civil society and local authorities around cultural heritage, climate change prevention and the coming wave of renovation of the buildings we live in. Can a new European Bauhaus be the new driving force? How to stimulate creativity in shaping our environment? What to bet on and what not necessarily? What should an innovative approach to cultural heritage look like, providing an opportunity for the development of creative industries and crafts? 

More about HID can be found on the event website

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