
4CF The Futures Literacy Company has completed hundreds of foresight projects for international institutions, industry and non-governmental organisations, European Union agencies, public sector institutions and private companies and corporations. Selected projects are presented below.
UN Environment Programme (UNEP)
Supporting the UNEP team in the negotiation process of the international treaty on plastic pollution.
Koźmiński University
Academy of Future Leaders – Foresight module for postgraduate studies
European Union Drugs Agency (EUDA)
Foreight-on-Demand Technology Foresight. Mapping and assessing the future challenges and new opportunities for innovative response created by the introduction of new technologies in the drugs area.
European Union Drugs Agency (EUDA)
Foresight-on-Demand Synthetic Drugs. Increasing EU resilience to possible developments in the future availability and use of synthetic drugs in Europe by 2050.
European Commission (DG Research and Innovation)
Foreight-on-Demand Demographics. What implications and opportunities demographic change has for Europe’s R&I systems?
United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC)
Foresight Workshops
The European Union Agency for Cybersecurity (ENISA)
Development of a vision for cyber threats in the healthcare sector based on ENISA Top Ten Threats 2030.
Voivodeship Labour Office in Warsaw
The role of artificial intelligence as a mechanism involved in creating new jobs and replacing existing ones in Mazovia.
Świdnica City Hall
Conducting CLA workshops and developing a vision and strategic goals.
Signal Forum
Moderating 4 thematic blocks of the Signal Festival
AGH University of Science and Technology
Workshop-seminar classes in the postgraduate program Trendwatching and Future Studies
BNP Paribas
Keynote about AI in the agro-food sector on the 2024 Agro & Food Conference.
Polish Naval Academy
Foresight courses for senior officers
Dubai Future Forum
FLEx for participants of the Dubai Future Forum 2024 in cooperation with the Global Futures Society
Aspen Institute
Simulation for participants of the Aspen Institute’s Leadership Program.
Kulczyk Investments
Co-organization and participation in the TomorrowIsNow debate organized by KULCZYK INVESTMENTS S.A.
Stiftung Genshagen
Foresight Workshops at the Genshagen Foundation’s Trilateral Summer School
European Commission
Educational Research Institute
A Delphi study related, among other things, to the development of industries in the regions as part of the process of forecasting the demand for employees in branch education occupations on the national and provincial labour market.
Trento University
Presentation at the conference “The discovery of the future in the social and human sciences”
British Council
The Futures of Museums and Art Institutions
UN Environment Programme (UNEP)
The application of strategic foresight methods and tools to support the UNEP team in the negotiation process of the international instrument on plastic pollution.
European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction (EMCDDA)
Workshop on foresight for EMCDDA regulatory experts from 30 countries
Ministry of Economic Development and Technology
Workshop “The future of sustainable development – opportunities and threats for public policies”
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
Support for FAO in various projects, including the meta-analysis of global foresight studies on agrifood systems and the development of a typology of agrifood technologies.
The European Union Agency for Cybersecurity (ENISA)
Development of Future Scenarios until 2030 Regarding the Effects and Risks Associated with the Implementation of the Cyber Resilience Act (CRA).
The Capital City of Warsaw
Presentation of scenario methods in futures studies at the seminar of the Statistical Office
European Commission
Delphi survey on the 4CF HalnyX platform
Horizon Europe
Project on Manufacturing-as-a-Service for the EU’s twin transition until 2040 (MAST2040)
Horizon Europe
Project on boosting the bioeconomy transformation (BOOST4BIOEAST)
Horizon Europe
Project to reduce disruption in supply chains and increase the use of advanced technologies in three industrial ecosystems (IDEALIST)
AGH University of Science and Technology (AGH UST)
Foresight course at Trends and Futures Studies postgraduate program
National Drugs Forum 2023
Foresight workshop “Imagining 2040”
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
Global foresight on emerging technologies and innovations in response to agrifood system challenges
Wroclaw University of Economics and Business
Future scenarios for the metaverse
The European Union Agency for Cybersecurity (ENISA)
Update of the ENISA’s Threathunt foresight report
European Training Foundation
Skilling up the Western Balkan agri-food sector
Polish Naval Academy
Foresight courses for senior officers
Polish District Heating Forum in Międzyzdroje
Decarbonisation – foresight workshop
Dolnośląskie Voivodeship
Supporting the development of recommendations for the provincial development strategy by organising and conducting a workshop for members of the Regional Working Group on SRWD 2030+.
The European Union Agency for Cybersecurity (ENISA)
Developing proprietary cyberattack risk scenarios for commercial satellites
The Capital City of Warsaw
Development trends for the City of Warsaw and its metropolitan area in the 2050 perspective.
The European Union Agency for Cybersecurity (ENISA)
“Foresight Cybersecurity Threats for 2030” – Top 10 ranking
Social Sciences and Humanities for Transformation and Climate Resilience (SHiFT)
Development of a toolkit for educators interested in future-orientated engagement tools.
Pomeranian voivodeship
Directions and scenarios for the development of the hydrogen economy until 2030 with an outlook to 2040
Educational Research Institute
A Delphi study related, among other things, to the development of industries in the regions as part of the process of forecasting the demand for employees in branch education occupations on the national and provincial labour market.
WWF Poland
Survey on certified palm oil in Poland
Stowarzyszenia Willa Decjusza
Futures literacy training for youth
Social Sciences and Humanities for Transformation and Climate Resilience (SHiFT)
Imagining 2040 Futures: How developments in technology, governance and employment can shape planetary wellbeing
National Centre for Addiction Prevention
Futures literacy training
Polish Agency for Enterprise Development
Training in strategic foresight methods including scenario building, roadmapping and Delphi technique.
Ministry of Development Funds and Regional Policy
Ongoing strategic foresight advisory
Pandora Jewellery
Strategic Innovation Seminar
Novo Nordisk
A series of presentations on the future of medicine and pharmacy
Erasmus Plus
Mind the Missions
Łukasiewicz Research Network – Institute of Organisation and Management in Industry “ORGMASZ”
Delphi research on hypotheses regarding the development of the hydrogen economy in Poland until 2050.
Wrocław City Council
Foresight workshop for youth
Survey among global futurists
Survey on “How will we disgust our descendants?”
United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC)
Strategic review and update
Harare Institute of Technology
Organisation and facilitation of Zimbabwe Futures Week
FM Logistic
Open Minds Debate 2023
Marshal's Office of the Mazowieckie Voivodeship
Technological needs and opportunities in the transformation of enterprises towards Industry 4.0
Polish Association of Real Estate Developers (PZFD)
The future of real estate development
European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA)
United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC)
Resilience Frontiers Roadmapping (Gaborone, Botswana)
Ministry of Development Funds and Regional Policy
National Development Concept 2050
Presentation on megatrends
European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction (EMCDDA)
Identification of drug-related research priorities
Wrocław City Council
Russian-Ukrainian war development scenarios
United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)
Foresight workshop
Use of trends in management
United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)
Foresight advisory
DG GROW (Directorate-General for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs of the European Commission)
Foresight for Chemicals – Chem4EU
International Visegrad Fund
Trends analysis, Delphi study, report and policy paper on “V4 2030: Emerging sustainable innovation pathways towards a post-Covid-19 recovery”
The AGH University of Science and Technology (the AGH UST)
Foresight course at Trends and Futures Studies postgraduate program
Frontex, the European Border and Coast Guard Agency
Technology Foresight on Biometrics for the Future of Travel
EIT Climate-KIC
Energy transformation in Rybnik
EIT Climate-KIC
Community Lab 2021
Laudes Foundation
The future of sustainability in the apparel, financial and construction industries
The Future of Polish Cities 2050
Expo 2020 Dubai, UNFCCC
Indigenous cultures and climate change adaptation – foresight for solutions
Voivodeship Employment Office in Warsaw
Development directions of enterprises and demand for qualifications and competencies in the Mazowieckie Voivodeship
Polish Chamber of Commercial Real Estate (PINK)
The future of offices and office buildings
City Hall Wrocław
Future scenarios Wrocław 2050
Washing machines of the future
City Hall Lublin
Lublin Strategy 2030: Thematic Working Groups
The Educational Research Institute (IBE)
Delphi research of demand for competencies in technical occupations
Port of Gdańsk
Foresight workshop for management using 4CF FLEx
Federation of Polish Food Banks
The future of food waste
United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC)
Implementation of 4CF FLEx in UNFCCC working groups
Technological innovations of the future in everyday life
EIT Climate-KIC
Futues Literacy accross the Deep
Glaxo Smith Kline
Values Day at GSK
EIT Climate-KIC
Community Lab 2020
FM Logistics
The Future of Logistics to 2040
The Educational Research Institute (IBE)
Delphi research of demand for competencies in technical occupations
Foresight and innovation in the banking industry
Insurance industry leader
Innovation and foresight in the insurance industry
Insurance industry leader
Foresight workshop
The Educational Research Institute (IBE)
Delphi research of demand for competencies in technical occupations
C&A Foundation
Foresight for sustainable development of the apparel industry
Veolia Energia Polska
Decision-making game at management seminar
Ministry of Investments and Development, Poland
Scenarios of Poland’s future 2050
Astra Zeneca
Pharmaceutical industry for society – changes to come
Polish Naval Academy
Foresight courses for senior officers
The future of car rental
United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC)
Resilience Frontiers – foresight of climate change adaptation technologies (Songdo, South Korea)
The future of office buildings
Airbus PZL Warszawa Okęcie
Industry 4.0 and human resource management in an industrial enterprise
Marshal's Office of the Mazowieckie Voivodeship
Analysis and foresight of the packaging industry
Marshal's Office of the Mazowieckie Voivodeship
Analysis and foresight of the metal processing industry
Marshal's Office of the Mazowieckie Voivodeship
Analysis and foresight of the photonics industry
Hanze University of Applied Sciences, Groningen, the Netherlands
KIEM Grant on Futures Literacy
Strategic product innovation
Polish Association of Listed Companies & Reporting Standards Foundation (SEG)
Analysis of non-financial information published by Polish listed companies
The Millennium Project
Work/Technology 2050: Scenarios and Actions
Veolia Energia Polska
Transformation 2050
The future of therapies and pharmacy
Tauron Polska Energia
The future of work in Industry 4.0
Collegium da Vinci
Scenario planning course
First Data Polska
Futures Lab 2019 – banking customer of the future
Hanze University of Applied Sciences, Groningen, the Netherlands
Building foresight competencies
BNP Paribas
Agrotrendbook 2017
Foresight for community engagement
Ministry of Development, Poland
Support for Working Groups on National Smart Specializations
Development day – internal foresight event
Land Warfare Centre, the Netherlands
Foresight innovations in the process of planning and programming the development of the armed forces
First Data Polska
Futures Lab 2018 – the future of the banking sector
Ministry of Defense, Poland
Strategic Defense Review
TEDx Warsaw
Foresight – why is it worth it?
Zwoleń County
Strategic consulting
Lipsko DPS
Becoming Future-Oriented Entrepreneurs in Universities and Companies (beFORE)
Chief Inspectorate for Environmental Protection (GIOŚ)
Methods for monitoring the future state of the environment
Lipsk District
Strategic consulting
OCP Foundation, Morocco
Imagining Africa’s Future
Pruszków District
Pruszków District Development Strategy
First Data Polska
Futures Lab 2017 – the future of payments
Hanze University of Applied Sciences, Groningen, the Netherlands
Master class on strategic foresight
International Visegrad Fund
State of the Future Index
PZU Foundation and Better
The future of education
Leading defence think-tank
Poland’s deterrent potential
Poland Today
The future of Nowa Huta
Inspired by the future for Red Bull
Pionki City Hall
Vision for the development of the Pionki Industrial Park PRONIT
The Freedom Institute
Innovative Poland. How to transcend the crisis?
UNESCO, France
UNESCO Youth Forum workshop design – 500 participants
UNESCO, France
Inhabiting Planet Earth – housing foresight 2100
Statensvegvesen, Norway
Metode 21 – Transport infrastructure foresight
Market analysis for hi-tech textile products in Poland in the segments: outerwear, backpacks and bags, motorbike clothing
The future of textronics in reducing occupational risks
Employers of Poland
Challenges faced by entrepreneurs
Luxury furniture industry leader
Development strategy of a luxury furniture manufacturer
CGEE, Brazil
The future of the relationship between science and society
Ministry of Labour, Colombia
Foresight for local labour market observatories
Economic Chamber of Advanced Technologies
Consultancy for Polish hi-tech companies
Analyses and forecasts
Automotive Parts Manufacturers Association
Analysis of the future of electric vehicles
Hoop S.A.
Econometric analyses supported by a proprietary tool for simulating future sales
Polish Confederation Lewiatan
Regulatory Impact Assessments
FOR (Civic Development Forum)
Which Way – A Report on How To Unblock Road Investments in Poland
Northeastern Illinois University (NEIU)
WHO-funded research project on the scale of cigarette smuggling
TechnoPort S.A./ UOTT UW
The 4CF team is awarded first prize in a competition organised by the University Technology Transfer Centre (UOTT) of the University of Warsaw, sponsored by TechnoPort S.A.
Hoop S.A.
Sales forecasts based on econometric modelling
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