
The motto of the Saint-Gobain group is “Making the world a better home” and the company develops solutions that will have an impact on our future. Therefore, Saint-Gobain Poland decided to get a glimpse of Polish cities in 2050.
The Polish Society for Futures Studies and 4CF Strategic Foresight were invited to cooperate on the project.

A methodologically complex project, based on cooperation between Saint-Gobain experts, the Polish Society for Futures Studies and 4CF’s strategic foresight experts, was designed.
The current trends served as a starting point for the development of three futures scenarios. To identify factors of change, we employed, i.a., the so-called Rip Van Winkle method, developed by RAND (a non-profit research organisation) for strategic military planning in the US. Parallel to scenario development, the expert team searched for innovative solutions that could substantially impact future construction projects and the finishing and furnishing of buildings. Each idea was assessed in terms of its potential to meet a given need more efficiently than the currently popular solutions. Another criterion was the minimum time required to popularise an idea.

Polish Cities of the Future 2050: a visionary report on the expected and planned construction and transport practices in Polish cities.
Identification of promising solutions that are currently in a theoretical, prototyping or implementation stage, but are not – as yet – widely used.
A ranking of Polish cities best prepared for the future.