Foresight for Chemicals – Chem4EU
DG GROW (Directorate-General for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs of the European Commission)

The EU Directorate-General for the Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs commissioned a strategic study to identify the 20 most critical substances for Europe’s strategy to transform the economy to a green and digital economy. The results of the study were intended to make the European economy less dependent on crises related to the lack of availability of critical resources.

The one-year long project was carried out in a consortium comprising Steinbeis Europa Zentrum, TNO and 4CF. The project team developed a research methodology using tools such as patentometrics and bibliometrics, carried out a Delphi survey using the 4CF Halnyx web platform, created the 4CF Matrix, performed scenario analysis, value chain analysis and roadmapping, as well as three workshops with European industry representatives.

The Directorate-General received a report on the study, which not only identified the 20 most critical substances for the green and digital transformation, but also prepared roadmaps for each of the key value chains with recommendations, geared towards maximising the potential of current and future technological innovations and securing the security to complete the green and digital transformation of the European economy as planned. Although the project was primarily commissioned with the European chemical industry in mind, a key finding of the analysis was that metals such as lithium and beryllium deposits in Europe are too small for the transformation plan of the economy. This sends a clear signal to policymakers that innovative material alternatives must be sought to secure the success of the transition and the independence of Europe’s economy.