KRK 2050
Development Scenarios for Poland within the National Development Concept 2050

The Gospostrateg-PL2050 Consortium commissioned 4CF The Futures Literacy Company to develop scenarios for Poland’s development as part of the National Development Concept 2050 and to provide ongoing support for the project titled “Operationalization of Poland’s Development Management System. Enhancing and introducing innovative and effective solutions into the socio-economic and spatial system within long-term development policy programming.”
The project aimed to create alternative development scenarios for Poland, derived through an analytical and participatory process, encompassing key dimensions: social, economic, spatial, environmental, and institutional.

To achieve the project’s objectives, the 4CF team conducted two scenario workshops with participants representing the public sector, academia, business, and civil society. These workshops resulted in:
- Scenarios for Poland’s external environment,
- Scenarios for Poland’s development.
Additionally, 4CF analysts supported the Gospostrateg-PL2050 project team in analytical and foresight activities related to the National Development Concept 2050, with a particular focus on the scenario-building process.

The project’s final deliverable was a comprehensive report featuring four detailed external environment scenarios for Poland and four development scenarios for Poland. The main report was accompanied by a methodological report, which thoroughly described the approach and tools used during the scenario development process.