Statistical Office

Development of Foresight Methodology Competencies for the Analytical Corps of the City of Warsaw Office


The Office of the City of Warsaw, the Statistical Office in Warsaw, and the University of Warsaw organised a seminar for the Analyst Corps of the City of Warsaw Office. The event aimed to enhance the competencies of local government employees from district offices and those involved in broad analytical functions. The seminar was also available for online participation. The Office of the City of Warsaw commissioned 4CF The Futures Literacy Company to develop and present scenario methods as part of the meeting.


Kacper Nosarzewski, a partner at 4CF The Futures Literacy Company, developed and delivered a lecture with a multimedia presentation titled “The Scenario Method” for all attendees, both in person and online.


The lecture enhanced the knowledge of local authority staff from district offices and analytical departments about foresight methods used in long-term planning to ‘anticipate the unpredictable,’ as highlighted by the seminar’s theme. In addition to the attendees present in the room, the event’s online broadcast was viewed by 799 people.