by OVH_4CF | Jul 6, 2021 | Events
How can technology develop in harmony with local and indigenous ways of life? How can technology develop in harmony with local and indigenous ways of life? Is it our responsibility to ensure that future innovation is mindful of the values that shape legacy systems?...
by OVH_4CF | Jun 23, 2021 | Events
Economic transformation 2016–2040 Economic transformation 2016–2040 Stanisław Kluza, Piotr Patkowski, Krzysztof Szubert, Małgorzata Jarosińska-Jedynak, Piotr Arak, and Kacper Nosarzewski from 4CF spoke about the 2016–2040 economic transformation, possible developments...
by OVH_4CF | Jun 22, 2021 | Events
Planning urban development Planning urban development 4CF’s Kacper Nosarzewski talked about scenario-based methods for the development of strategies and long-term urban policies at the Data City Forum in Wrocław. Back to Blog Stay updated! Subscribe to our newsletter:...
by OVH_4CF | Jun 17, 2021 | Events
Perspectives of reducing food waste in Poland Perspectives of reducing food waste in Poland Maciej Jagaciak presented a study devoted to Food waste in Poland and perspectives of reducing the phenomenon by 2030 during the Limiting food losses and wastage — a challenge...
by OVH_4CF | Jun 16, 2021 | Events
Poetry as a Futures Literacy Method Poetry as a Futures Literacy Method In a fast-changing world, we may be hesitant to see any contribution that poetry could possibly bring to dealing with modern challenges. At 4CF, will believe that poetry could play a significant...
by OVH_4CF | May 27, 2021 | Events
Education and futures competencies – megatrends Education and futures competencies – megatrends Kacper Nosarzewski talked about megatrends in education, futures competencies, education 4.0 and 5.0 during an event devoted to the Future of Learning, held as part of the...